4 Years! And Thank You, Jazmine!

778 Dundas Street West.jpg

Wait, did this past week mark the 4th anniversary of our shop opening?! (Yes.)

There are lots and lots of people who've helped along the way but I wanted to single out one person in particular: Jazmine Stephen. When I needed a logo for the shop - just 6 weeks before we opened! - I sent Jazmine some ideas and she not only stepped up to the challenge but produced something better than I could have hoped for.

Our logo has helped people find us when we were in Black Market Vintage and again since we moved to Dundas West. And even though she's a busy freelancer, Jazmine has always made time since to design our signage and other incorporations of that original stack.

A big thank you to Jaz for all her work and for lending our shop some of her unique style. Check out her Instagram (@lostghosts) where she sometimes posts other designs she's done. (Also, thanks to our friend Katie for suggesting we collaborate. 10/10 suggestion, Katie!)


Shortstack Records, 1006 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON, M6V 1W6